
Instituto Cervantes de Dublin

Actividades de la semana - Events of the week: FEB 27th - MAR 4th

Actividades de la semana - Events of the week: FEB 27th - MAR 4th

miércoles 22 de octubre de 2014, 11:21h

II CHILEAN CINEMA SEASON OPENING FILM SCREENING: The sentimental teaser - Dir. Cristián Galaz - Chile, 1999. 94 min


When a young and eccentric radio announcer lets anonymous listeners call in to tell their tales of love, the show becomes a success and a sanctuary where people's deepest passions and entangled love affairs are publicly exposed. + info
Monday, 27th FEB, 6 pm. Café Literario
In O.V. with English subtitles
Followed by a Chilean wine reception
Free admission


Instituto Cervantes Dublín
Lincoln House
Lincoln Place
Dublin 2
Tel. : 353 1 631 15 00
Fax: 353 1 631 15 99
[email protected]

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