Euromundo Global MADRID EDICIÓN DIGITAL 23 de enero de 2025
Esta página está coordinada por José Antonio Sierra
*Por Jorge Chauca García*
18ENE25 – MÁLAGA,- Las relaciones entre Irlanda y Las Españas de ambos lados del Atlántico son de larga data, fructíferas en muchos planos y de consolidado afecto. Dejó por escrito el Premio Nobel de Literatura Octavio Paz que una sociedad se comprende no solo por su presente, sino también por su relación con el pasado.
Por Salvador David Pérez González*
18ENE25 – MÁLAGA.- Como es bien sabido un mágico, aunque olvidado, nexo histórico une Irlanda con las costas del Sur de España. Los azares de la Edad Moderna trazaron la ruta que, a través de cartas marítimas y portulanos, siguieron muchas familias hasta Andalucía. Y, como en toda buena travesía, no faltaron los vientos para llevar cada barco a su destino. Especialmente durante la centuria dieciochesca.
Weekly Report
A digest of this week's Spanish financial, political and social news aimed primarily at Foreign Property Owners: Prepared by Lenox Napier. Consultant: José Antonio Sierra
18ENE25 – MADRID.- For subscriptions and other information about this site, go to businessovertapas.com - email: [email protected] ***Now with Facebook Page (Like!)***Note: Underlined words or phrases are links to the Internet. Right click and press 'Control' on your keyboard to access. Business over Tapas and its writers are not responsible for unauthorised copying or other improper use of this material. Subscription and e-mail information in our archives is never released to third parties.
“Weekly Report”
- A digest of this week's Spanish financial, political and social news aimed primarily at Foreign Property Owners: Prepared by Lenox Napier. Consultant: José Antonio Sierra
12ENE25 – MADRID.- For subscriptions and other information about this site, go to businessovertapas.com - email: [email protected] ***Now with Facebook Page (Like!)*** Note: Underlined words or phrases are links to the Internet. Right click and press 'Control' on your keyboard to access. Business over Tapas and its writers are not responsible for unauthorised copying or other improper use of this material. Subscription and e-mail information in our archives is never released to third parties.
“Weekly Report”
- A digest of this week's Spanish financial, political and social news aimed primarily at Foreign Property Owners: Prepared by Lenox Napier. Consultant: José Antonio Sierra
18DIC24 – MADRID.- For subscriptions and other information about this site, go to businessovertapas.com - email: [email protected] ***Now with Facebook Page (Like!)***Note: Underlined words or phrases are links to the Internet. Right click and press 'Control' on your keyboard to access. Business over Tapas and its writers are not responsible for unauthorised copying or other improper use of this material. Subscription and e-mail information in our archives is never released to third parties.
“Weekly Report”
- A digest of this week's Spanish financial, political and social news aimed primarily at Foreign Property Owners: Prepared by Lenox Napier. Consultant: José Antonio Sierra
11DIC24 – MADRID.-For subscriptions and other information about this site, go to businessovertapas.com - email: [email protected] ***Now with Facebook Page (Like!)***Note: Underlined words or phrases are links to the Internet. Right click and press 'Control' on your keyboard to access. Business over Tapas and its writers are not responsible for unauthorised copying or other improper use of this material. Subscription and e-mail information in our archives is never released to third parties.
- Ganadores de la última edición de los Premios España-Irlanda del Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos
- El trabajo premiado destaca la importancia de la Armada Invencible en las relaciones hispano-irlandesas
05DIC24 – MÁLAGA.- Los Premios España-Irlanda del Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos de la Universidad de Málaga, que forma parte del Centro de Estudios Iberoamericanos y Transatlánticos FGUMA-UMA (CEIT), han resuelto el fallo de su última convocatoria. El galardón ha sido otorgado al trabajo “La influencia de la Gran Armada (Invencible) en las relaciones hispano-irlandesas contemporáneas (siglos XX-XXI)”, elaborado por la investigadora Natalia Mateo Ripoll y el investigador Juan José Oña Fernández. La entrega del premio tendrá lugar a lo largo del próximo año 2025.
Sent by José Antonio Sierra
04NOV24.- Ar maidin inniu, ghreamaigh Aontas Mac Léinn Choláiste na Tríonóide (AMLCT) bratach mhór ag fiafraí “Cá bhfuil an Ghaeilge?” ar Champainíl Choláiste na Tríonóide le téip chun a chur in iúl don Choláiste go gcaithfidh rochtain ar an nGaeilge a bheith mar phríomhthosaíocht acu. In éineacht leis an ngníomh, seoladh litir chuig an bPropast maidir le roinnt ábhar a bhain leis an saol laethúil trí Ghaeilge chomh maith le tuairisc chuig Roinn na nEastát agus na Saoráidí de chuid an Choláiste ar theip Choláiste na Tríonóide cloí go hiomlán leis na rialacháin um chomharthaíocht, stáiseanóireacht, agus taifeadtaí fuaime in Acht na dTeangacha, 2003.
“Weekly Report”
- A digest of this week's Spanish financial, political and social news aimed primarily at Foreign Property Owners: Prepared by Lenox Napier. Consultant: José Antonio Sierra
17OCT24 – MADRID.- For subscriptions and other information about this site, go to businessovertapas.com - email: [email protected] ***Now with Facebook Page (Like!)***Note: Underlined words or phrases are links to the Internet. Right click and press 'Control' on your keyboard to access. Business over Tapas and its writers are not responsible for unauthorised copying or other improper use of this material. Subscription and e-mail information in our archives is never released to third parties.
Business over Tapas will return on December 12.