
International Conference on Irish Studies

University of Deusto, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain - 29-31 May, 2014

miércoles 22 de octubre de 2014, 11:21h

Por José Antonio Sierra

The 13th International Conference on Irish Studies will take place in Bilbao on 

29-31 May, 2014. Participants from Ireland will include Emer Martin, Billy

O´Callaghan, Professor Tom Inglis (University College Dublin) and Dr. Eibhear Walshe (University College Cork).

There will be a focus on the life and work of Irish writer Kate O´Brien, celebrating her connections with Bilbao en particular, the Basque Country and Spain. She based one of her most well known novels "Mary Lavelle"  in Portugalete and Bilbao. 

There will also be a launch of the new translation in Spanish of Kate O´Brien´s biography of Teresa of Avila to coincide with the 500th anniversary of ther birth (1515-2015). 


Kate O´Brien   A Writing Life   by Eibhear Walshe  University College Cork

Irish Academic Press  Dublin, 2006).

Mary Lavelle (London:Heinemann, 1936). Reprinted by Virago, London, 1984.

Pasiones Rotas. Mary Lavelle ( Edhasa, 1998).

That Lady (London: Heinemann, 1946). Reprinted by Virago, London 1985.     Esa Dama. La historia de la Princesa de Éboli (Edhasa, 1986).Reprinted, 2003.

Farewell Spain (London: Heinemann, 1937). Impressions received by Kate 

O´Brien during her year in the Basque Country. A print on demand book published by Virago Press in 2006.

Teresa of Avila (London: Max Parrish, 1951).  (Cork: The Mercier Press, 1967).







Special Collections Library

Kate O´Brien

The Robert Stranding Papers: Irish in the Spanish Civil War


University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland



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