Euromundo Global MADRID EDICIÓN DIGITAL    18 de septiembre de 2024

Reino Unido & Irlanda

(captura de pantalla)
(captura de pantalla)
08FEB24 – MÁLAGA.- Castilian hospitality was everywhere to be seen for the naming of the Kate O’ Brien street in the city of Ávila on the 27th September. Kate wrote about this abulense trait and I had visited Ávila many times, so it did not come as a surprise to me. But it was clear from the warmth of initial greetings from Miguel Ángel García Nieto, Mayor of Ávila and Sonsoles Sánchez-Reyes Peñamaría, the Culture and Education Officer, that this was going to be a day to remember.


  • Por José Antonio Yturriaga Ex embajador de España en Irlanda

05FEB24 – MADRID.- Este año se celebra el 50° aniversario de la muerte de Kate O’Brien y alguno se preguntarán quién era esa buena señora. Es natural porque yo no supe de su existencia hasta que llegué a Irlanda como embajador de España. Allí tuve conocimiento de esa escritora, que fue un relevante exponente de las letras angloirlandesas en la primera mitad del siglo XX, y pude leer sus obras, muchas de ellas inspiradas en motivos españoles.

Weekly Report”

Business over Tapas (Nº 522)

  • A digest of this week's Spanish financial, political and social news aimed primarily at Foreign Property Owners: Prepared by Lenox Napier. Consultant: José Antonio Sierra

25ENE24 – MADRID.- For subscriptions and other information about this site, go to businessovertapas.com email: [email protected]***Now with Facebook Page (Like!)***Note: Underlined words or phrases are links to the Internet. Right click and press 'Control' on your keyboard to access. Business over Tapas and its writers are not responsible for unauthorised copying or other improper use of this material. Subscription and e-mail information in our archives is never released to third parties.

Invitation to the Launch of the 2024 Festival Programme

  • We are delighted to invite you to the launch of the Limerick Literary Festival in Honour of Kate O’Brien.
  • Novelist Dan Mooney will launch the programme for The Limerick Literary Festival at 5.00pm on Wednesday January 24th in O'Mahony's Bookshop, Limerick.

18ENE24 – LIMERICK.-The Festival will run in Limerick February 23rd, 24th and 25th at the Dooradoyle Library and Belltable. The event continues to honour the life and works of the Limerick author, Kate O’Brien, while attracting prominent participants from all over the world. The Limerick Literary Festival is this year celebrating its 40th anniversary alongside the 50th anniversary of the death of O’Brien. It originally started as The Kate O’Brien Weekend in 1984 to mark the tenth anniversary of her death. We continue to celebrate the legacy of Kate O’Brien each year and her impact as a writer.

El Órgano de la Catedral de Derry . Imagen de referencia – Crédito foto: Pixabay.com)
El Órgano de la Catedral de Derry . Imagen de referencia – Crédito foto: Pixabay.com)

  • Por Pilar Iglesias Aparicio

27DIC23 – MÁLAGA.- Derry fue mi puerta de entrada a Irlanda. Llegué a Derry a finales de agosto de 2002, y estuve allí hasta el 19 de diciembre, justo durante el primer trimestre del curso escolar, como profesora de español en un colegio católico de chicas cercano al Bogside, participando en un programa de intercambio de profesorado entre los Ministerios de Educación de España y el Reino Unido.

Instituto Cervantes de Dublín desde 1992

Sede del Instituto Cervantes en Madrid
Sede del Instituto Cervantes en Madrid

  • En 2024 hará 50 años que tuvo lugar la inauguración oficial del Instituto Cultural Español de Dublín, adscrito al Instituto Cervantes en 1992.
  • Por José Antonio Sierra

26DIC23 – MÁLAGA.- Llegué a Irlanda en septiembre de 1968 para trabajar como Lector de Español en el Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad Trinity College de Dublín. En 1969 presente el proyecto de creación de un Instituto Cultural Español en Dublín al Gobierno Español.

(Detalle del cartel)
(Detalle del cartel)
21NOV23 – MÁLAGA.- The IX edition of the Babieca Folk Festival in Burgos will be taking place from 18-25 November, with some acts from Ireland performing. Please see here for a full line up of events


Great Start to the 50 Plus Show Galway, doors open at 10.30 tomorrow

  • Sent by José Antonio Sierra

  • Enviado por José Antonio Sierra

04JUN23 – MADRID.- Irish playwright Marina Carr will take part in this year´s Feria Del Libro de Madrid, in conversation with Professor Marisol Morales, from the University of Álcala de Henares. This initiative is in collaboration with the European Commission, and will take place in the the Pabellón CaixaBank which is located at Block 25C of the Fair, on Saturday 3 June 17.45h – 19.00h. More information on this event can be found here

Weekly Report...”

Business over Tapas (Nbr. 480)

  • A digest of this week's Spanish financial, political and social news aimed primarily at Foreign Property Owners: Prepared by Lenox Napier. Consultant: José Antonio Sierra

23FEB23 – MADRID.- For subscriptions and other information about this site, go to businessovertapas.comem - email: [email protected] ***Now with Facebook Page (Like!)***Note: Underlined words or phrases are links to the Internet. Right click and press 'Control' on your keyboard to access. Business over Tapas and its writers are not responsible for unauthorised copying or other improper use of this material. Subscription and e-mail information in our archives is never released to third parties.

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