The Latin American Cultural Institute of Dublin Project, 2020

The Latin American Cultural Institute of Dublin Project, 2020

  • The Latin American Institute of Ireland will be established to promote and strengthen relations between Ireland and Latin America.

miércoles 07 de octubre de 2020, 16:28h

07OCT20 – MÁLAGA – ESPAÑA.-This project is an initiative of José Antonio Sierra with the aim of strengthening cultural ties between Ireland (the country in which he lived for more than 20 years) and the different countries of Latin America as a way of mutually enriching each other, with the greatest knowledge of the different cultures, uses and customs while favoring the exchange of students, tourists, people from the cultural and artistic world. In a techno-globalized world, this exchange could bring important advantages for all the participants in this project.

The Latin American Cultural Institute of Dublin Project, 2020
The Latin American Cultural Institute of Dublin Project, 2020

The Latin American Institute Project got the full support of the Central American Week'89 Committee, Dublin 1989. Presented en 1993 at a meeting of interested parties in TCD that gave their support to the Project.

The Institute will serve as a centre of contact and will carry out and co-ordinate research in a broad range of fields related to Latin America and Irish-Latin American relations. The Institute will be a non profit-making organisation.


* To promote cultural, educational, trade, touristic, sport and youth exchanges between Ireland and Latin America.

* To promote Latin American Studies in Irland.

* To promote and teach the languages and cultures of Latin American countries.

* To collect and systematize information on relations between Ireland and Latin America.

* To establish a permanent collection of journalistic, literary and other materials.

* To have available for reference, materials relating to the cultural, educational, economic, social y political life of Latin American countries.

* To organise conferences, seminars and workshops and to arrange trainingprogrammes on issues of common interest for Irish and Latin American people.

* To furnish advice and undertake specific consultancy activities.

* To co-operate with the Latin American Institutes in other countries.

* To promote cultural and educational relations between Ireland and Latin American people in the United States and Canada.

* To promote and strenghen relations between Europe and Latin America.

* To help Irish people who need information on jobs, courses or other related matters in Latin America and a reciprocal service for Latin American people in Ireland.

* To co-operate and organise activities for the integration of Latin American communities in Ireland.


The Institute will take into account the European character of Ireland and at the same time her cultural and economic projection towards United States in order to build up an efficient co-operation framework in the fields of communications, science, education and culture with Latin America.


* The Latin American Cultural Institute of Ireland, which will be a non-profit making organisation, will be financed mostly by contributions, grants and subsidies of public and private institutions, through sponsorship, patronage and donations.

* It will also have its own financial resources derived from registration fees, consulting services and from the selling of its own publications.


José Antonio Sierra

If you are interested in receiving more information or want to know more about this project, we invite you to contact: José Antonio Sierra - E-mail: [email protected]

The Latin American Cultural Institute of Dublin Project, 2020
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