Protest March “Trump Not Welcome” in Brussels

Protest March “Trump Not Welcome” in Brussels

sábado 27 de mayo de 2017, 05:48h

27MAY17.- On May 24th WaterProtectors Rachel Heaton, Wasté Win Young, Rafael Gonzalez & Nataani Means were at the #TrumpNotWelcome demo in Brussels for social rights, against sexism, racism and discrimination, for peace and a livable world, together with 9.000 protestors.

On May 24th WaterProtectors Rachel Heaton, Wasté Win Young, Rafael Gonzalez & Nataani Means were at the #TrumpNotWelcome demo in Brussels for social rights, against sexism, racism and discrimination, for peace and a livable world, together with 9.000 protestors.

They opened the rally with a prayer and called for divestment from banks investing in fossil fuels.

Other speakers included:

Angela Sciacchitano | Jeunes FGTB

Veerle Verleyen | LBC-NVK

Magda de Meyer | Vrouwenraad

Hafida Bachir | Vie Feminine

Laurien Spruyt | Climate Coalition

Ann Wright | Code Pink, USA

Maz Saleem | Stop the War, UK

Saida Isbai | Hart boven Hard

Serge Bagamboula | Comité des sans papiers

The day of action ended with a concert with Jaune Toujours, Orchestre International du Vetex and Sindicato Sonico.


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