Tens of Thousands of Argentine Teachers March Amid Nationwide Strike

Tens of Thousands of Argentine Teachers March Amid Nationwide Strike

sábado 25 de marzo de 2017, 03:49h

25MAR17.- In Argentina, tens of thousands of teachers marched through the capital Buenos Aires Wednesday as part of a nationwide strike demanding pay raises to keep pace with high inflation. The teachers are outraged over recent comments by President Mauricio Macri disparaging public schools in Argentina.

In Argentina, tens of thousands of teachers marched through the capital Buenos Aires Wednesday as part of a nationwide strike demanding pay raises to keep pace with high inflation. The teachers are outraged over recent comments by President Mauricio Macri disparaging public schools in Argentina.

Gabriela Baigorri: “The figure of the teacher is being demonized, when in reality it’s the state that is responsible for what is happening, because they said in their campaign that education is the priority, but then they do not act on that. Why? Because what is going on today is that we cannot negotiate, we cannot sit down in dialogue.”

Teachers are set to return to classes today, but warn they could join a general strike called for April 6 if their demands aren’t met.

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