The sky,... another destination in the world

The sky,... another destination in the world

By Maica Rivera (*) - FEPET

viernes 30 de septiembre de 2016, 17:20h
The sky,... another destination in the world
Not only are those unforgettable destinations that are thousands of kilometers away. We travel to perceive "the essence" of a country through its cuisine, its culture, its colors, its smells... to break the monotony, explore, learn... there is no need to go far away, but it is important to know what to look... see what is there, but no one sees; that is travelling

If anything unites travelers from any destination in the world are the stars. Knowing the best place on Earth to observe them and living one of the most intense meteor showers anyone can see ... it was a dream.

UNESCO recognizes the Andalusian Sierra Morena region as the best place on Earth to observe the stars, it was declared "starlight" reserve tourist destination .
This statement suddenly changes the picture of the interior cities in summer, It is so necessary to remove the label of seasonality in some areas of southern Spain.
When Andalusia is projected as a tourist destination, the picture is its beaches. If inner cities and "august" are mentioned in the same sentence the image displayed is a thermometer at 50 degrees celsius and deserted streets. But today we talk about tourism in Andalusia and August with an image that has been world news: The Perseids, the meteor shower considered the most intense of the year. It is a different picture.

Different points of Sierra Morena preserve intact the natural light conditions and sharpness that make this night sky the best place on Earth recognized by UNESCO to observe this meteor shower.
The Perseids (center of numerous articles worldwide) have been key players in tourism with diverse activities; I had to experience the feeling in Sierra Morena, I chose Cordoba.

It was a different night, full of symbolism thanks to Park Los Villares with its night guided tour hosted by Alfonso Roldán Losada, a professor at the University of Cordoba (and recognized nature photographer), and Noelia Granados, whose narration of legends in that morning made the shooting stars to become desires fulfilled, such was the intensity of her words.

This special hiking route begins in the Sierra, its duration is approximately one hour. I made the itinerary without difficulty, it is a walk of a group of about 70 people, each with a flashlight.

Walking in single file along the trail there are stretches in which overwhelms the image taken from a tale, souls wandering in the forest, moments when it is inevitable that imagination run wild driven by the sound of wind in the trees. That magic that is generated when we are all connected with nature, is logical, we are part of it, it is our origin.

Arriving to an esplanade Noelia begins to narrate ancient legends about the meaning of light in the sky. As she told, a shooting star is a sign of good luck, hence the tradition of asking a shooting star for a wish.
There is another very old and quirky legend, they say that only if you can see them when nobody else sees them, it is when you appreciate its beauty. For a moment you forget everything around you, in those seconds you catch the infinity, you lose your fears, break barriers and you become different. Thus you can see, they are here for everyone, within walking distance from the city, and that Cordoba has a lot to teach ... and we have much to learn. Not only are those unforgettable destinations thousands of km away ... you just have to decide what to look at.

A hug,

Maica Rivera


Maica Rivera(*)

She is writer of travel and tourism, and has worked for a long time on radio, local TV of Andalusia, fashion magazines, local newspapers and shared space with great professionals of the media from whom she has learned, as she points out, the ins and outs of this professional scene.
As a usual traveller, she likes to know different places and imbibe their culture and customs that she later turns in newspaper articles with a personal stamp and a vision of 'direct witness'. He has written about food, culture, fashion, economy and travel and believes that the best way to generate progress is the creation of synergies among the different sectors which lend their enthusiastic support for tourism projects, fashion and above all, culture. She points that a society without culture is doomed to stagnation. Maica Rivera lives between Madrid and Córdoba - Andalusia.
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