

Event: Myth, magic and mystery: Art, music, readings and poetry in three European languages

Event: Myth, magic and mystery: Art, music, readings and poetry in three European languages

miércoles 22 de octubre de 2014, 11:21h

Myth, magic and mystery: Art, music, readings and poetry in three European languages

The Consulate General of Spain in association with the European National Institutes of Culture in Melbourne, Goethe-Institut and Istituto Italiano di Cultura , present a cultural and artistic journey through the NGV collection with a tour in Spanish, German and Italian languages.

The visitor will have the opportunity not only to admire and know more about the story behind art pieces but also how the theme was interpreted by different authors in different forms of art. Along the tour the paintings will be explained by poems, readings and music. 

This project was initiated by EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) which is a co-operation between the European national cultural institutes that developed the program in co-operation with NGV and the Australian partner universities under the expert leadership of Dr David Kram. EUNIC aims to create effective partnerships and networks between EU national institutes for culture in order to improve and promote cultural diversity and understanding between European societies and to strengthen international dialogue and cultural cooperation with countries outside Europe.

This program occurs at the following times

05 Aug 2012

11.00am .
02.30pm .

This is a free event, however booking is essential

Event CodeP12127 (11am), P12128 (2.30pm)

Information & bookings
Ph +61 3 8662 1555
10am-5pm daily


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