Reino Unido & Irlanda

Lorena Arce Romeral y Miriam Seghiri receive the 2nd George Campbell Prize from the María Zambrano Centre of Transatlantic Studies in Malaga University

Sent by José Antonio Sierra

Martes 17 de noviembre de 2020

16NOV20 – MÁLAGA.- Researchers Lorena Arce Romeral and Miriam Seghiri Domínguez were awarded the George Campbell prize corresponding to the second edition, from the Maria Zambrano Centre for Transatlantic studies (AMZET) at the University of Málaga. They were granted the award for their work entitled: “Generating templates for composing and translating (English-Spanish) contracts of sale: a study applied to Spain and Ireland.

This prize is sponsored by José Antonio Sierra and comes with an endowment of 1,200€. The award ceremony was held in the Maria Zambrano centre with the deputy director Magdalena Martín Martínez presiding.

The panel of judges for the competition included Juan Antonio García Galindo, director of AMZET; Magdalena Martín Martínez, deputy director of AMZET; José Antonio Sierra, International assessor of AMZET and sponsors of the prize; representing Ireland were Alfonso Blanco, from University College Dublin and Katerina García, from Trinity College Dublin.

The jury agreed to adjudicate the prize to this study for its “being both specific and practical”. It is scientifically structured and original in content and will open new perpectives. It will be very useful for Irish people in Spain, as it will contribute to the development of a practical tool which will benefit potential buyers in the real estate sector.

A secondary award was granted to “Relations – Ireland and Spain 1965 to present. An illustrated journey”, by Martha Gutiérrez-Steinkamp, from the Smithsonian Fellow (Estados Unidos) for “drawing up a historical synthesis which is of great interest when it comes to understanding the relations between Spain and Ireland.

This award comes within the framework of the Spain-Ireland prizes of the María Zambrano Centre of Transatlantic Studies of the Univeristy of Málaga. They seek to open new lines of investigation into a variety of áreas concerning relations between Spain and Ireland.