Boletín Cultural

Kate O'Brien and the Fiction of Identity 

Aintzane Legarreta Mentxaka. Jefferson (NC): Mc Farland, 2011

Miércoles 22 de octubre de 2014

Kate O’Brien (1897-1974) is a key modern Irish writer, and an important figure in the contexts of European fiction, women’s writing, and queer literature. Notable because of the banning of a number of her books in Ireland and Spain, O’Brien’s work stretched the limits of what was permissible in writing.

Her writing career began in Bilbo/Bilbao, in the Basque Country, where she lived for a year in 1922, a formative period which she revisited in her most experimental and provocative novel, the autobiographical Mary Lavelle (1936). This neglected but crucial text of the 20th century is analysed through an interdisciplinary approach, embracing history, philosophy, literary criticism, intermedial studies, life writing, and sexuality studies, and the novel is used to re-interpret all of O’Brien’s work. Critical accounts of Kate O’Brien have fluctuated wildly – championed by feminists, ‘rescued’ by post-colonial theorists, and an enduring inspiration to queer readers, O’Brien’s work has also been persistently treated as if it was stylistically unchallenging and homed in an incongruous nineteenth century mode. The book Kate O’Brien and the Fiction of Identity brings to light the radical formal and thematic daring of O’Brien, evident in her subtextual tunnelling and her intermedial experimentation. This is a new Kate O’Brien: modernist, anti-authoritarian, profound, humorous, sexy, angry, and indispensable.

Book sales:

About the author

A.L. Mentxaka is a writer and a scholar of literature in English. She is currently based at the School of English, Drama, and Film, University College Dublin. She was recently awarded the prestigious Fellowship of the National University of Ireland, and has received the support of the Irish Research Council for the Humanities. She has published extensively, in English, Basque, and Spanish. Her research interests include: modernist and twentieth century literature, Irish literature and culture, philosophy and critical theory, women’s writing, popular culture, early film, and intermedial studies.  In addition to her academic career, Mentxaka is involved in a wide range of projects. She works as theatre director with Born to Burn productions, was Coordinator of the Dublin Queer Studies Group, organizer of the conference An Evening with Kate O’Brien, co-programmer of the Dublin Lookout Film Festival, and co-organizer and co-curator of the art and film festival Turn the Light On 2011. She is a Founding Member of the Brain Fog Films collective, co-programmer of the Dublin Film Qlub , and general editor of the artisan publishing house Gur Cake Editions. She has taught literature and film for a number of years at University College Dublin, and St Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, and was the creator of a recent pioneering Community Film Program for the Arts Council at Dün Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Ireland. Mentxaka has also been Literature Official at the Artists Panel with Dublin City Arts Council since 2012. 

el libro

El libro es un estudio de la novela de Kate O’Brien Mary Lavelle (1936), situada en Bilbo en 1922, y hasta cierto punto un homenage a la ciudad. La escritora irlandesa Kate O’Brien vivió en Portugalete durante un año en su juventud, y éste fue un periodo muy importante en su vida, que más tarde inspiró varias de sus novelas. El libro Kate O’Brien y la Ficción de la Identidad, publicado en Inglés por la editorial norteamericana McFarland, estudia en particular la extraordinaria novela Mary Lavelle, prohibida por la censura en Iranda y en España durante muchos años.

la autora

La autora del libro, Aintzane L. Mentxaka, nació en Bilbo y creció en Gernika, pero lleva veinte años viviendo en Dublín. Mentxaka aprendió Inglés en Irlanda, donde completó la carrera de filología inglesa, el master, y el doctorado, especializándose en literatura Irlandesa. Trabaja en Dublín, estudiando la influencia del arte en la literatura Irlandesa escrita por mujeres, como investigadora de National University of Ireland, y también da clases de literatura inglesa en University College Dublin. Mentxaka ha escrito numerosos artículos sobre cultura popular y sobre literatura, la mayoría de ellos en lengua inglesa. 


Punto de venta en el País Vasco: Scanlan Tavern, Gernika (Bizkaia)


Liburua Kate O’Brien-en Mary Lavelle (1936) eleberriaren ikerketa da. Eleberria 1922eko Bilbon kokatuta dago eta nolabaiteko hiri honen omenaldia da. Kate O’Brien idazle irlandarra Portugaleten bizi izan zen bere gaztaroko urte batez, bere bizitzako oso garai garrantzitsua izan zelarik eta beranduago bere zenbait eleberri inspiratuko zituena. Kate O’Brien eta Identitatearen Fikzioa liburua, McFarland argitaletxeak ingelesez argitaratua, Mary Lavelle aparteko eleberria bereziki, zentsurak denpora luzez Irlandan eta Espainian debekatu zuena, ikertzen du.


Liburuaren idazlea, Aintzane L. Mentxaka, Bilbon jaio eta Gernikan hazi zen, baina orain dela hogei urte Dublinen bizi da. Mentxakak Irlandan ingelesa ikasi zuen, eta bertan Ingeles Filologiako karrera, masterra eta doktoretza burutu zituen, Literatura Irlandarrean espezializatu zelarik. Dublinen ikerlari lanak egiten ari da, artearen eragina emakumeak idatzitako literatura irlandarrean aztertzen, National University of Ireland erakundean ikerketa lanak egiten ditu eta University College Dublin unibertsitatean literature ingelesezko klaseak ematen ditu. Mentxakak kultura herrikoia eta literaturari buruzko artikulu ugari idatzi ditu, gehienak ingeles hizkuntzan.

Liburua salgai Euskal Herrian: Scanlan Tavern, Gernika (Bizkaia).

Aintzane "Anne" Legarreta Mentxaka

"Mentxaka’s prose is clear, well-written and informative, and opens new and fascinating doors to the interpretation of O’Brien’s novels"


 “[Mentxaka’s book] reads like a challenging detective story, scholarly, yet unpredictable, and sparkling”

EUROPEAN ENGLISH MESSENGER journal, Summer Issue 2013

(journal of the European Society for the Study of English)

Aintzane "Anne" Legarreta Mentxaka

"Mentxaka’s prose is clear, well-written and informative, and opens new and fascinating doors to the interpretation of O’Brien’s novels"


 “[Mentxaka’s book] reads like a challenging detective story, scholarly, yet unpredictable, and sparkling”

EUROPEAN ENGLISH MESSENGER journal, Summer Issue 2013

(journal of the European Society for the Study of English)


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