Boletín Cultural

La ficción española en el siglo XXI | 21st Century fiction from Spain

Instituto Cervantes de Londres

Literatura & Translation | Literature & Translation - Seminario | Seminar - JUE | THU 18 – 10am - 5.15pm

Miércoles 22 de octubre de 2014

Auditorio del Instituto Cervantes de Londres | Auditorium

Seminario que reunirá a expertos de los distintos ámbitos de la creación, la crítica y la traducción literarias que analizarán las diversas corrientes y tendencias que presenta la ficción en la España actual | A one day  seminar that will gather a number of experts from the academic, publishing, translating and literary fields. This seminar will explore the current trends and research in 21st-century Spanish fiction.

Programa | Programme

10.15 – 11.45am
La ficción en España hoy | Fiction in Spain today: current trends
(moderador | chair, Julio Crespo MacLennan)

Peter Bush, “Death, Sex and Irony: Contemporary Catalan and Spanish Fiction”
Stuart Davis, “A Taste of Hispanism: The Teaching of 21st-century Spanish Fiction and the Canon”
Juan Angel Juristo, “Una narrativa sin maestros”

12:00am – 1:30pm
Tendencias en materia de investigación de la ficción española en el siglo XXI | Trends in research in 21st-century fiction from Spain
(moderador | chair, Frank Lough)

Daniela Omlor, ‘'21st century fiction from Spain: The Memory Boom Continues”
Jennifer Rodríguez, “Basque Literature and Women Writers: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship?”
Frank Lough, “The Spanish Civil War in Contemporary Fiction”

Break: lunch

2.30 – 3.30pm
Fondos sobre ficción española en las bibliotecas del Reino Unido | Collecting fiction from Spain in UK libraries
(modera | chair, Geoff West)

A panel of UK librarians discuss what they currently acquire, how they acquire it, and ask what they should acquire.


3.45 – 5pm
La ficción española y el mercado del Reino Unido | Fiction from Spain: the UK market
(modera | chair, Jorge Postigo, ICEX)
Panel of publishers and translators, including Jennifer Arnold (University of Birmingham), Rowan Cope (Little, Brown; Abacus; Virago), Kirsty Dunseath (Orion Books), Amanda Hopkinson (City University).

5 – 5.15pm

En español e inglés | In English and Spanish
Organizado por | Organised by ACLAIIR, the Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies and the Instituto Cervantes in London
Inscripción, almuerzo y café incluidos | Cost (lunch and refreshments included)
General | Full price £50
Reducida (para estudiantes, desempleados y jubilados) | Concessions (for students, unemployed and retired) £30
Más informacion sobre modalidades de pago | More information about methods of payment